
I write code and design sometimes

This site was updated on 30 Jan 2025.

Motivation, Discipline, Obsession

I was having a conversation with a friend recently about how we’ve managed to achieve some of the goals we’ve set for ourselves. We talked about what kept us on track and what made us stumble—the things that gave us the energy to keep going and the moments when we felt like giving up.

During the conversation, three key ideas stood out as the foundation of our journey so far: Motivation, Discipline, and Obsession.


Motivation is that feeling or excitement that gets you started on something. But the thing about motivation? It doesn’t always last.

When I started this very blog, I was driven entirely by motivation. One night, I was scrolling through the internet, checking out the personal sites of various developers. I noticed a pattern—many of them had nicheless blogs where they shared their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and instantly wanted one for myself.

That night, I stayed up setting up my blog. I found a starter template, customized it, wrote my first post, bought a domain, connected it, and deployed the blog—all in one night. I even had a school meeting early the next morning, but I didn’t care. The excitement pushed me to make it happen.

Now, was that initial drive enough to get me started? Absolutely. But was it enough to keep me going, to write as consistently as I had envisioned? Not at all.


Discipline, on the other hand, is the habit of doing what needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like it. This is what bridges the gap between motivation and actual accomplishments.

Think about students with a routine—waking up early, attending classes, studying, and completing assignments. It’s not always fun, but it’s necessary for success.

Discipline is about understanding that action doesn’t need to follow emotion. In fact, action often creates emotion. Have you ever noticed how getting started on something you were dreading often makes you feel better? That’s the magic of discipline—it helps you push through those moments of resistance and find momentum on the other side. While motivation may come and go, discipline is the constant you can rely on.


Obsession is my favorite of the three. It’s that intense, consuming focus on a goal or idea. When you’re obsessed, the goal takes over your thoughts and pushes you to go all in.

There’s a phrase I love: “Discipline is for those who lack obsession.” While that might not be hundred percent correct, it highlights the power of obsession. When you’re obsessed, you don’t need motivation or discipline to keep going—it’s like you’re on autopilot.

For example, when I’m working on a project I’m obsessed with, I don’t have to push myself to stay up late or work tirelessly—I want to. It feels natural because the obsession fuels me. But the thing is, obsession has its downside too. It can lead to imbalance if you’re not careful, making it easy to neglect other important parts of your life.

The Balance

Motivation, discipline, and obsession all have their roles to play. Motivation gets you started. Discipline keeps you consistent. And obsession drives you to achieve extraordinary results.

The key is knowing when to rely on each one. There will be days when you’re motivated and everything feels easy. There will be times when only discipline can keep you on track. And when obsession takes hold, you can harness it to push beyond your limits—just remember to take a step back and breathe when needed.

Disclaimer: This article reflects my personal opinions and experiences at the time of writing. Over time, my perspectives may evolve, and your experiences may differ from mine. If you come across anything factually incorrect or wish to discuss something further, feel free to reach out to me through any of the links below.